Beacon Collaborative

Enabling an ecosystem that supports increased impact investing by those with private wealth.

Enabling an ecosystem that supports increased impact investing by those with private wealth. Private wealth holders can provide a crucial boost to impact investing – helping to improve outcomes for people and the planet. The Individual Impact Investing Commission (IIIC), brought together 11 leading impact investors, professional advisors, fund managers, advocates and experts in the […]

Beacon Collaborative

APPG calls for government to step up for greater philanthropy and social investment from private sources in the UK

APPG calls for government to step up for greater philanthropy and social investment from private sources in the UK. “Philanthropy and social investment can reach further into our communities than government spending alone, but they need the right conditions to grow. This report outlines a 10-point plan that offers a route map for policy makers […]

philanthropy gb news

Beacon Collaborative

Beacon’s Cath Dovey talks Philanthropy on GB News

Just before the Christmas break, Cath Dovey was invited to appear discuss philanthropy on GB News. In the interview, Cath discussed the habits of wealthy givers during Covid, what the sector needs to unlock greater giving, and how philanthropists play a pivotal role in today’s society.

grant-making during covid

Beacon Collaborative

Research reveals rapid grant-making in early months of the pandemic.

360Giving has just released new data investigating the giving trends of philanthropists during the pandemic. The vast dataset draws on insights from over 66,000 grants representing over £2.4 billion in funding. The findings show that grants were made at record speed and that funders increasingly focused on black and minority ethnic organisations. We analyse the findings.

charitable giving

Beacon Collaborative

The UK’s wealthiest maintain high-levels of charitable giving

The latest data from Beacon’s quarterly surveying of UK millionaires shows that high-net-worth charitable giving is continuing to rise steadily. It also demonstrates that the increase in philanthropy from the UK’s very wealthiest – something precipitated by Covid – is sustaining.

birthday honours list

Beacon Collaborative

The Honours List & the challenges of celebrating philanthropy

This article brings attention to the two individuals commended for philanthropy in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. We also explore how the inherent blending of philanthropy with other forms of charitable endeavour can often cloak substantial financial contributions made by individuals.

barriers to giving

Beacon Collaborative

Understanding the Barriers to Giving | Webinar

In a two-part webinar, Barclays Private Bank, the Chartered Institute of Fundraising and Beacon explore what stops high-net-worth individuals from getting involved in charity giving. The session also features an interview with experienced donor Sir Trevor Pears on his philanthropic activity.

Beacon Collaborative

Young Givers: The Giving Needs of the Future Wealthy

Beacon Collaborative and Savanta, funded by Arts Council England, have carried out in-depth research with wealthy millennials on their giving habits and attitudes to charities. The research reveals important insights for those working in the fundraising and charity sectors about how they can best engage this demographic.

Beacon Collaborative

Prism the Gift Fund’s new research sheds light on social attitudes to philanthropy

Prism has commissioned a survey to explore social attitudes in the UK to philanthropic giving in the UK: The Philanthropy Paradox: Public Attitudes and Future Prospects for Planned Giving.

Beacon Collaborative

DCMS’ Community Match Challenge could signify a new relationship between government and philanthropy

DCMS’ Community Match Challenge could signify a new relationship between government and philanthropy   The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has awarded 19 philanthropists, funders and foundations a share of £85 million in the wake of COVID-19 recovery in the form of the Community Matched Challenge. A wide range of organisations will receive funding […]