Philanthropists Matthew Bowcock and Cath Dovey set up The Beacon Collaborative in 2018, with the aim of inspiring more wealthy people to use their assets for the public good.

We support new and experienced donors while also working with policy makers, partners and the wider philanthropy sector.

Our work is guided and supported by The Organisations’ Council — a forum for leaders in the philanthropy sector to come together and discuss collectively how their organisations can support growth in philanthropy.

What we do

As a philanthropist-led organisation, we are uniquely placed to support socially conscious wealth-holders so that they can achieve more, individually and together.

Our goals are to:

● grow regular philanthropic giving by the wealthy, either through donations or social investment.
● encourage wealth holders to invest their skills, networks and time in civil society.
● contribute to a joined-up philanthropy sector and ecosystem that supports philanthropists in giving more and giving better.

Our funders

We are philanthropist-backed and our core cost funding comes from three philanthropic foundations:

We have also received grant funding for individual projects from Arts Council England, City Bridge Foundation and Barrow Cadbury Trust.