The Giving Experience – Overcoming the barriers to giving among the wealthy in the UK’

‘The Giving Experience’ looks at how the philanthropy and charity sectors can overcome the barriers of trust and the barriers of personal and financial insecurity that hold wealth people back from giving more. Working in partnership with the Institute of Fundraising, the report considers the importance of a positive donor experience to encourage wealthy donors to give more and create social change. It highlights:

  1. Wealthy individuals are motivated by the sense that giving is a meaningful thing to do; many are seeking shared purpose and a sense of belonging.
  2. However, wealthy people are not a homogenous group – age, wealth level, and behavioural profile all impact how individuals give.
  3. Fundraisers need to encourage entry-level giving and ensure they offer a programme of activity that keeps wealthy donors engaged.
  4. Fundraising organisations also need to be supported by the wider context. The negative public discourse on giving and the limited availability of professional advice hold wealthy individuals back from giving more.

Download the research here


Thank you to City Bridge Trust and Arts Council England for providing grant funding in order to make this research possible.