Change through collective impact

We use a collective impact model working with our partners across the sector for:

  • A common agenda
  • Shared measurement
  • Mutually reinforcing activities
  • Continuous communication
  • A philanthropy ecosystem


Supported by a number of philanthropists, in 2018 the Philanthropy Collaborative was formed and quickly identified a range of essential partners to build a UK ecosystem for philanthropy. The Organisations and Philanthropists’ councils were formed shortly after.

Together we identified a range of projects and it soon became clear that a registered charitable vehicle was needed. By merging Philanthropy Collaborative into the Beacon Awards we have been able to amplify the mission of both organisations to celebrate and promote more and better philanthropy.

The Beacon Collaborative now celebrates the many voices of philanthropists. It is the place where philanthropists can come together, share ideas and learn from each other – and where organisations can collaborate to support them on their donor journeys.


The Organisations’ Council

The Organisations Council is a forum for leaders of the philanthropy sector to come together and discuss collectively how their organisations can support growth in philanthropy.  The council meets quarterly to share information, form collaborations and support projects that will enhance the reach and effectiveness of philanthropy.

The Organisations Council has a Strategic Communications’ sub-group formed of the communications experts from the partner organisations who discuss how to amplify each other’s messages and to create strategic campaigns that benefit all.

The members

The Philanthropists’ Council

As the voice for philanthropists, Beacon is guided by a group of active philanthropists who meet quarterly to make sure we support experienced and new donors in ways that are meaningful and with information and resources that can help them in their work. They also lend their knowledge and experience to support our outreach to policy makers, to the media and to the wider philanthropy sector.

The members

Our funders

We are philanthropist-backed with our core cost funding coming from three philanthropic foundations:  Pears Foundation, Ethos Foundation and the Hazelhurst Trust. Grant funding for individual projects has been secured from Arts Council England and City Bridge Trust. Our funding partners recognise the value of philanthropy to the whole voluntary and community sector. Their funding seeks to advance philanthropy and ensure future resilience for non-profit organisations.