Giving levels going up

Cath Dovey

New data shows philanthropy is growing in the UK

For over two years, we have been asking wealthy people how much they gave in the previous quarter and our results are showing positive findings. Our data shows four key trends…

Beacon Forum 2022

Caroline Graham

Beacon Impact Forum: Creativity, collaboration and community key to facing today’s polycrisis

While 2021’s Forum looked at Covid recovery, this event recognised the multiple crises that the UK and wider world are facing including the cost of living crisis, inequality, an ageing population, strained public services and the NHS, labour shortages, war in Ukraine, energy prices and climate change.

Beacon Collaborative

Enabling an ecosystem that supports increased impact investing by those with private wealth.

Enabling an ecosystem that supports increased impact investing by those with private wealth. Private wealth holders can provide a crucial boost to impact investing – helping to improve outcomes for people and the planet. The Individual Impact Investing Commission (IIIC), brought together 11 leading impact investors, professional advisors, fund managers, advocates and experts in the […]

Beacon Collaborative

APPG calls for government to step up for greater philanthropy and social investment from private sources in the UK

APPG calls for government to step up for greater philanthropy and social investment from private sources in the UK. “Philanthropy and social investment can reach further into our communities than government spending alone, but they need the right conditions to grow. This report outlines a 10-point plan that offers a route map for policy makers […]

Cath Dovey

Downward dip in major gifts bolstered by wider giving by the wealthy

Downward dip in major gifts bolstered by wider giving by the wealthy The summer months are a quiet period of giving for major donors and this year was no exception. The average amount given by wealthy donors between July and September was £7,700, compared to £19,400 in the previous quarter.  There is no doubt that […]

high-net-worth featured image

Cath Dovey

High-net-worth giving continues upward trend to June 2022

Since early 2020, Beacon has been conducting surveying of 300 – 500 UK millionaires. Our recent research shows that, though giving among the general population has declined, high-net-worth giving has increase. Cath Dovey takes an in-depth look at the data and what it means for UK philanthropy.

philanthropy champion

The Law Family Commission on Civil Society

Commission calls for ‘Philanthropy Champion’ in Whitehall

The Law Family Commission on Civil Society has just called for the role of Philanthropy Champion to be established within Whitehall. If successful, this role could help to unlock billions in private money being used for the public good. This article looks at what proposed role is and how it might work.


Cath Dovey

Strong Annual Growth in Giving Reported among UK Pentamillionaires

Since June 2020, Beacon has carried out quarterly research with 300-500 UK millionaires. After two years of data, we can now start to see trends in the giving of the wealthy. It is also possible to suggest what may impact their giving. Cath Dovey analyses the data…

giving list 2022 featured image creative commons

Beacon Collaborative

CAF Sunday Times Giving List 2022

With great power comes great responsibility. The same can be said for great wealth. The Giving List highlights those wealthy individuals who are leading the way in giving back to society. In this article we look at who topped the list and which causes were popular among the top givers.

philanthropy gb news

Beacon Collaborative

Beacon’s Cath Dovey talks Philanthropy on GB News

Just before the Christmas break, Cath Dovey was invited to appear discuss philanthropy on GB News. In the interview, Cath discussed the habits of wealthy givers during Covid, what the sector needs to unlock greater giving, and how philanthropists play a pivotal role in today’s society.