impact investing

Impact Investing and the Three Dimensions of Capital – Part 3 of 3 from the Understanding Impact Investing series

The final article of a three-part series on impact investing by Scott Greenhalgh. This article looks at the the distinction between finance-first and impact-first equity investing. While each approach has its own legitimate within the spectrum of capital, Scott advises that we need to identify the fault-lines between the two.

Andrew Carnegie

Your philanthropic journey: what we can learn from the father of modern philanthropy.

Reflecting on the historic and celebrated philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie, Ben Morton Wright looks at what lessons we can learn from the giving pioneer. He settles on three main drivers: being creative, regarding giving as an investment, and realising that giving is the best thing you can ever do. This guest blog explores these areas in detail.

giving by the super rich

Elite philanthropy – academic study vs real world practice

Last month – February 2021 -new research was published suggesting that “giving by the super-rich could be perpetuating social inequality.” The study is an important and comprehensive literature review, but relies entirely on academic sources. We feel there are clarifications which can be provided by taking real-world practice into consideration. This is our response to the study.

the uk social impact investment market

The UK Social Impact Investment Market – Part 2 of 3 from the Understanding Impact Investing series

Part 2 of a 3 part series on impact investing by Scott Greenhalgh. This article looks at the social impact investment market with the UK. After introducing the concept of impact investing and its definition(s) in article 1, Scott now takes a deeper look at ways impact investing manifests within the UK market.

health-check image

10 questions trustees should ask to perform a charity health-check

In this article, we look at what trustees should be asking in order to assess the current health of their charity. Included in the advice is Peter Mimpriss’ 10 essential questions trustees should be asking to perform a charity health-check. We also highlight advice from NCVO, ACF and the UK Charity Commission.